One family. One goal. Together, saving for college is possible.

Parents, grandparents, family and friends—everyone can help your child achieve their education goals.

Who can open an account?

  • Parents
  • Grandparents
  • Family members
  • Family friends
  • You
  • Financial professionals
  • Anyone with a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
  • An entity (e.g., a scholarship fund)

Which students can benefit from an account?

  • Children
  • Grandchildren
  • Other family members
  • Family friends
  • Yourself
  • Anyone with a valid SSN or TIN

Who can contribute to an account?

Anyone, really, including:

  • Grandparents
  • Family
  • Students
  • Employers
  • Financial professionals
  • Trusts and estates

Not only can basically anyone open a 529 account for someone they care about, but it takes only about 10 minutes and as little as $25 to get started!


Your Bright Start 529 account makes it easy for anyone to make contributions to your child’s education. From grandparents to other family members to friends and more, everyone can help turn college dreams into a reality.

Contributions for any occasion can be easily made and managed through our secure online gifting platform, Ugift®. Gifts can also be made by mail with a check. And in certain cases, the gift giver can also receive state tax benefits. Consult your tax professional.

Gift an account

Literally anyone with a valid SSN or TIN can open a Bright Start 529 account on behalf of an eligible beneficiary. The plan can also provide tax benefits for legacy and estate planning.

Learn more about gifting and its benefits

Even employers can contribute!

Ask your employer about Bright Start 529 at Work, or click the link below for more details.

Bright Start 529 at Work

More to explore

How grandparents can help

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A guide for financial pros

Check out our comprehensive resources for professionals.

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Ready to get started?

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